40th Anniversary Fundraiser held for Butler County Soccer



Brookestone of David City, in conjunction with Vetter Senior Living’ 40th anniversary celebration, hosted a fundraiser September 17 with proceeds benefitting Butler County Soccer. A burger bash and bake sale was held on the front lawn of Brookestone of David City, with Brookestone of David City staff members and soccer board members working together. Over $690 in profit was raised, and the Vetter Foundation donated another $500, for a total of $1190.40 being donated to Butler County Soccer. Profits from the event will be put towards completion of the concession stand and restrooms at the soccer complex.


Photo is of Brookestone of David City staff presenting a check from fundraiser to Butler County Soccer Board Members, L to R, Eric DeWispelare, Brookestone of David City staff Jenna Lange and Angie Coufal, Don Lange, Megan Andel, Beth Moulton, Tina Merry, and Sandy Rech.

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